Looking for non-12-step addiction treatment for your client?
Finding reliable, professional treatment for clients struggling with alcohol and drug use disorders, or other addictive behaviors, can be frustrating and time-consuming – for both you and them. With approximately 15,000 addiction treatment facilities nationwide, it’s difficult to know where to refer someone. Furthermore, according to a recent report on the state of addiction treatment in the U.S. from the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, although “a wide range of evidence-based screening, intervention, treatment and disease management tools and practices exist, they rarely are employed.” The report also concluded that most professionals providing addiction treatment are not equipped with the credentials and skills needed to address the complexities of addiction.
Practical Recovery, in beautiful San Diego, California, provides self-empowering, evidence-based non-12-step addiction treatment using primarily doctoral-level staff. Levels of care available include residential, residential alternative, intensive outpatient, outpatient, sober living, detoxification and other services.
Our four facilities focus on the whole person, with special emphasis on the co-occurring disorders that give rise to or maintain an addiction. We also offer optional holistic services.
As the leader in personalized care, we don’t call ourselves “a program” because treatment truly is different for each client. We pride ourselves on the large amount of quality one-on-one time clients receive with our therapists. For most clients, individual sessions are the heart of treatment and one of the primary reasons they choose to attend Practical Recovery for non-12-step addiction treatment.
At Practical Recovery we know what people need to be successful: motivation, self-control, a sense of purpose, the ability to handle emotional dysregulation and stress, good health habits, productive activities, meaningful relationships and lifestyle balance. Our multidisciplinary staff works with each client to accomplish these goals.
We will stay involved with referring professionals to the extent they prefer while their clients are going through our non-12-step addiction treatment process. Clients can be transferred to us completely, or spend time here until they return to the care of their original therapist, doctors and other professionals.
Call us to learn about your client’s options: 800-977-6110
Be prepared to think about addiction and recovery in radically new ways!