Sex, Drugs, Gambling, & Chocolate: A Workbook for Overcoming Addictions
Excerpts from Professional Reviews
Albert Ellis, Ph.D., founder of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), and President, Albert Ellis Institute, New York, NY: “This workbook is the most comprehensive one on addiction among the many I have read… in terms that almost any high school graduate can understand and put to practical use. Moreover, professional therapists and other workers in the addiction field will find much useful information in the book. I know of nothing similar that is better in this important self-help field.” SMART Recovery News and Views, Vol. 5, #3 (July, 1999), pg. 1-2.
Miriam Koskela, MFT: “Horvath takes the demon addiction and sets a place for him at the table of humanity. Horvath proposes methods to change severe addiction using the normal human change processes we use to change other habits. Horvath presents his material from a compassionate, non-judgmental position. It is clear that his numerous vignettes, questions and projects for the reader are methodically written to assist the reader in identifying addiction and making choices concerning if, what, how and when it is time to do something. Dr. Horvath illustrates an equally viable alternative to the medical model, and reunites ‘addiction’ with the therapeutic process and its options for other human conditions.” The California Therapist, March/April, 2001, pg. 59.
John Horan, Ph.D.: “Horvath has written a very useful book… classical education permeates a very readable writing style. His message is absolutely in sync with current research on addictions treatment.” Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, Vol. 13, #3 (Winter, 1999), pgs. 387-388.
Stephen Lisman, Ph.D., and Laurie Gallo, Ph.D., State University of New York, Binghampton: “Wonderfully ambitious… a unique workbook, one based heavily on concepts and strategies that have emerged from research, and that seeks to guide readers through all types of addictions by addressing common factors about cause, maintenance, change, and relapse. Horvath’s goals are to offer a brief, comprehensive alternative to 12-step programs that will be generalizable across a variety of addictive behaviors. Scientist-practitioners may experience a comfortable familiarity with concepts such as harm reduction, relapse prevention, cue-reactivity, theories of choice, natural recovery, etc., all clarified in a thoroughly educational format and applied through numerous examples, vignettes, and hundreds of questions and projects for the reader. It is clearly worth a place on therapists bookshelves, where he or she will be able to consider its benefits to individual patients, and as a means to enhance their own range of clinical skill.” Newsletter of the Special Interest Group in Addictive Behaviors, Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, October, 1999, pg. 2.
Michael Brickey, Ph.D., ABPP, CCDCIII: “Well-thought-out, integrated, inclusive approach to changing addictive behaviors… an especially good therapy adjunct. I highly recommend it.” The Independent Practitioner, Bulletin of the Psychologists in Independent Practice, a Division of the American Psychological Association, Vol. 20, #2 (Spring, 2000), pgs. 141-142.
Monica Munn, RN, MFT: “The author demystifies the process of addiction in an easy, simple to read and use format with multiple exercises to help one analyze the process and rationale of their recovery. He not only goes into the current costs of one’s addiction, but the current benefits, with ideas for coping and connecting with others. I think that this would be a good book to have in one’s library and to recommend to clients. There is a wealth of information for reading, bibliography, and resources, with a recommended reading list.” Family violence and sexual assault bulletin, Winter, 2000-2001, pg. 4.
Ron La Torre, Ph.D.: “Demonstrates himself to be an individual with knowledge and experience with “addicts” and the difficulties faced by those who choose to work with them. It provides gems of information about the addict, his motives, his personality, and his relationship with the world around. It can give the enabling significant other insights that they might not obtain from their non-addict friends.” Newsletter of the British Columbia Psychological Association, January, 2001, pg. 6.
Ken Waldman, Ph.D., University of Houston: “When a book title begins Sex, Drugs, Gambling, and Chocolate, it tends to get your attention. This workbook for overcoming addiction does indeed do that, and it thoroughly retains your attention. It is well written and well organized, presenting an impressive model for overcoming addictions of all kinds. Horvath’s book is both a philosophical treatise and a practical manual. It relies on both common sense and extensive research. Dr. Horvath has impeccable credentials, including having served as president of the American Psychological Association’s Division on Addictions (Division 50) and President of Smart Recovery, a nonprofit system of support groups that offers an alternative to the AA model. I will probably not decide to give up sex or chocolate after reading this workbook, but now at least I know how.” Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, Vol. 69, #3 (Summer, 2005), p.259.
Reviews of the 2nd edition of Sex, Drugs, Gambling & Chocolate
Lori L. Riddle-Walker, M.A. “A well-organized, easy read….user-friendly for both the individual and the professional. The approach is gentle, however, it could be useful as a stand-alone, self-help, method for the treatment of mild addiction problems, or as part of comprehensive professional services, to address severe addiction.” The Therapist (Magazine of the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists), Vol. 16, #3 (May/June, 2004), pgs. 57-58.
Robert V. Heckel, Ph.D., ABPP, Professor Emeritus, University of South Carolina. “Dr. Horvath presents both research and rich clinical experience supporting his position. The final product is an excellent workbook for the addicted person and a wonderful reference for the professional who would undertake treatment with an addicted person, regardless of the addiction.” Feedback (Newsletter of the South Carolina Psychological Association), Winter 2003, pg. 6.
Jeffrey Beall, Cataloging Librarian, Auraria Library: “offers a practical and research-based method for ending one’s addiction. Because most addiction literature follows the twelve-step methods, this work fills a significant gap and is highly recommended for all libraries.” Colorado Libraries, Vol. 31, #3 (Fall, 2005), pg. 53.