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  • How SMART Recovery Works

    Posted on March 7, 2025
    By Tom Horvath, PhD Mutual help groups for addictive problems have been in existence for centuries. No one knows exactly how they work. What follows is my best estimate of what happens in SMART Recovery meetings, and how they help. How SMART Recovery Works SMART offers an approach that will appeal to many (for either substance problems, activity problems, or both) because it is self-empowering, science based, progress-oriented, and holistic. Other mutual help approaches will appeal to other people. Some people may use multiple approaches. In 1994, when SMART Recovery began operating under that name, SMART elected to move beyond specific tools (which had been prominent in its pre-history) by identifying 4 common tasks for the process of addressing an addictive problem, the 4 Poin...
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  • Changing Your Mind with Mindfulness Meditation

    Posted on February 21, 2025
    Neuronal Plasticity, Mindfulness Meditation, and Addiction Recovery by Nicholas A. Nelson, Ph.D. Part 1 of 2 It is not uncommon during active addiction or early in recovery for people to feel that their brain is working somehow differently than before, or to feel like it is going to be impossible to break out of harmful habits and thought patterns. It can feel like the mind is damaged, or operating out of our control. This lack of control, and feeling that something is broken, can lead to a sense of hopelessness. When we look at the brain there is some truth to this feeling - during engagement with problematic addictive behaviors and during early recovery, our brains are not wired in the same way as before these problems took root. Through months, years, or decades of repetiti...
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  • A Simple Relaxation Technique: Slow Breathing

    Posted on January 17, 2025
    By Tom Horvath, PhD Although the following information is very basic, I hope it is a useful reminder for you. You are breathing all the time. With a few minor adjustments breathing can become a powerful tool to support yourself. Start by closing your mouth and breathing through your nose. Probably this step can happen immediately. You can also if you wish focus on the sensation of the air coming in and out of your nose. That focus can also be a helpful distraction technique. Begin to slow down your breathing. It may take many breaths to achieve a significantly slower pace. However, if you can get down to 6 breaths per minute (one every 10 seconds) you have a strong likelihood of lowering your stress level. If you are not sure how to accomplish slowing down, start counting you...
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  • Coping with Thanksgiving

    Posted on November 21, 2024
    By Tom Horvath, PhD, ABPP Although many of us have warm memories about Thanksgiving spent with family and friends, there may be some painful memories as well. If you're looking for tips on coping with Thanksgiving, and the problems that might arise, consider the following goals: If avoiding squabbles is your goal, can you sit on your own opinions for one day? Say nothing, or say “I don’t agree with these ideas, but this isn’t the time or place to discuss them.” Repeat “this isn’t the time or place” as needed. If your goal is not drinking, or drinking less, you might need some preparation. Will a family member or two be “in the know” and support you? If you are likely to be asked questions (“why are you not drinking?”) do you have an honest but not necessarily revealing ans...
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  • If We Have Our Own Why

    Posted on October 18, 2024
    By Tom Horvath, PhD “If we have our own why, we shall get along with almost any how.” -Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols, Maxims and Arrows, #12, translated (1954) by Walter Kaufman, originally published 1889. Our Own Why There is a range of “whys” that explain how we behave. We have in-the-moment behaviors like eating (why? “I’m hungry”). As we mature, we also have much longer-term timeframes, such as multi-year educational plans (why? “I want to be an X”), and multi-decade parenting plans (why? “I want to give my children opportunities and an upbringing that I did not get to have”). You can probably recall many examples of how you tolerated discomfort or pain for the sake of a longer-term outcome. I suggest that it is helpful to make a list of these experiences in you...
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  • Gaining Strength from Our Successes

    Posted on August 22, 2024
    By Tom Horvath, PhD Although occasionally we hear someone say “I’m addicted to everything,” it appears that most of us deeply enjoy only a few substances or activities. You would not have time for all of them! This fact means that there are many or at least some substances that you do not feel strongly drawn to, even though others may be. For instance, you might like gambling, but not be interested in any substances. Or you might very much like alcohol (or weed, or meth, or opiates, or coke, or ketamine, or various activities, etc.) but not especially be interested in MDMA (or alcohol, or weed, or meth, or opiates, or coke, or ketamine, or various activities, etc.). How do you do it? How do you NOT get carried away with substances or activities that others find so tempting? How...
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  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation

    Posted on August 16, 2024
    Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Using My Muscles to Relax My Mind By Tom Horvath, PhD Have you had moments when you believed “I cannot relax” or “I cannot relax unless I use?” Have you then used or drank because it was your best method to relax? Sometimes we do need to relax! The good news is that progressive muscle relaxation is one effective method that can work as well (with some practice) and does not have side effects. Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) is over100 years old! There is strong scientific evidence of its effectiveness. It has been applied to anxiety, stress, insomnia, depression, sports performance, and other areas. Edmund Jacobson, a physician, developed the technique and wrote several books about it. You can easily find YouTube videos and other sources (such a...
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  • Sources of Pleasure

    Posted on August 1, 2024
    What are your sources of pleasure? By Tom Horvath, PhD If you’ve had addictive problems, you may easily recall experiences (with substances or activities) that you found intensely pleasurable. Addictive behavior can provide that! However, regardless of how much you are still having that type of experience, you can understand and appreciate yourself much better by examining the other sources of pleasure in your life. A daily review of them is useful. That review could happen at any time, but doing so as you fall asleep is a good way to end the day with a sense of pride and gratitude. What experiences from your day stand out to you? You may be surprised at what you discover. Here are some questions to consider in that review. How much did you enjoy sensory experience today? S...
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  • Mindful Breathing for Reduced Stress

    Posted on June 21, 2023
    By Tom Horvath, PhD, ABPP One of the simplest but most powerful ways to reduce stress is to focus on breathing. Although books have been written on this subject, the following ideas may be a sufficient guide for you. Because we breathe continuously, you will have lots of opportunity to practice! Less is More Perhaps the most important single step to reduce stress is to breathe less, while breathing regularly, through your nose. A deep breath or two can get you started on “breath work,” but after those initial breaths, focus on breathing regularly but more slowly, and with lower volume of air. You are not going to reduce your rate of breathing instantly. However, over the course of many breaths your rate will (probably not entirely smoothly) reduce. With practice you might breathe a...
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  • Seeking Out and Managing Discomfort

    Posted on September 17, 2021
    by Tom Horvath, PhD A well-lived life needs to have significant and possibly considerable amounts of discomfort in it. For instance, do you want to exercise well, maintain a certain weight, get up early, work hard at something, or hold your tongue in an intense discussion? You are likely to feel uncomfortable! The key, then, is to learn skills for managing discomfort that will inevitably come. You might also be interested in: Coping with Stress in Addiction Recovery In particular, if you want to stop an addictive problem, you are likely to have a transition period as you change how you live. Cravings might die off almost entirely after 90 days (although there is no guarantee they will completely), but other challenges might last much longer. Maybe you should just give up now? Fortu...
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