A Courageous Statement from Dr. Volkow
Posted on January 7, 2022
by Tom Horvath, PhD
There is no more important person to the addiction treatment and recovery field than Nora D. Volkow, MD. Dr. Volkow is the Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). In the US government’s fiscal year 2021 NIDA spent about $1.4 billion, primarily on research. By comparison, the budget for the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism is only about $500 million. A substantial portion (if not the majority) of the world’s addiction research is funded under Volkow.
The Statement from Dr. Volkow:
Consequently, when Volkow speaks, people listen. Maybe more so than ever now: “Making Addiction Treatment More Realistic And Pragmatic: The Perfect Should Not Be The Enemy Of The Good”
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