Technology Addiction: 'Likes' Are the New ‘It’ Drug
Posted on June 9, 2017
Technology Addiction: 'Likes' Are the New ‘It’ Drug
by Thaddeus Camlin, Psy.D.
In the world of technology, the customers are the advertisers and the product is our attention. Tech giants like google, apple, twitter, and facebook sell advertisers access to our eyeballs. In an age of unparalleled information abundance, our attention is increasingly scarce. The scarcity of attention is bringing competition for it to a fever pitch. The increasingly sensationalized tactics tech companies use to get a piece of our attention work. Ninety-two percent of people aged 18-29 have a smartphone. The average person touches, clicks, or swipes their phone 2,617 times every day. ‘Likes’ are the new 'it' drug, and the addiction to technology is spreading like wildfire.
Technology Addiction an...
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