Instant Gratification: This Thanksgiving Don’t Have the P.I.G.
Posted on November 23, 2016
by Thaddeus Camlin, Psy.D.
Thansgiving and the Problem of Instant Gratification
Somehow Thanksgiving, our holiday of gratitude, has morphed into a gluttonous melee of over-indulgence and excess. If there is ever a time to practice coping with urges, resisting temptations, and moderate indulging, it is amidst the relentless onslaught of food and drink offerings that we are bombarded with throughout the celebratory festivities of November’s fourth Thursday.
The P.I.G., or Problem of Instant Gratification, is a hallmark of the feverish consumer culture that abounds today. As if the multitudinous dishes of the Thanksgiving meal weren’t enough, now we have trample-happy shopping sprees to add to the frenzied fervor of our most indulgent holiday. One-click buying, drive-through “dinin...
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