Call Us: (800) 977-6110

Gentle, non 12 step approach to addiction treatment.

No stigma, no shame. Just compassion.

Is it time to make a change?

Let us help. Our non 12 step approach to addiction treatment can get you on your way to complete recovery, without stigma… without shame.

Residential Treatment:

  • sober woman on beach thinking about sobrietyFlexible length of stay – no mandatory 30, 60, 90 day program
  • Intensive treatment usually means a shorter stay
  • Address underlying trauma for lasting change
  • Safe, private, 4-bed home
  • Access to cell phone and laptop
  • Integrated couple/family sessions

Call us for more information about our inpatient treatment or outpatient options.

“And yes, there are sure to be some rough spots as I travel down my road. But I feel empowered to take life on… on its terms… You have shown me how to live a balanced life, and for that, I am forever grateful.”
– Practical Recovery Alumni